“School is one of those environments where we learn to live and become mature men and woman, making a good journey in life” - Pope Francis

Curriculum Intent

In HD RSE, we aim to develop our students holistically to enable them to lead safe and healthy lifestyles. Through this, pupils will understand how to manage their personal, social and academic life. A prosperous careers program has also been implemented to prepare students for life beyond school. Students will also learn about healthy and sexual relationships. Through this enriching curriculum we aim to foster pupils' wellbeing, develop resilience and character that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society.

“Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy.” ​(Secretary of State Foreword)

Please note that the content covered within this subject follows statutory guidance and it is mandatory that all schools teach the following content:

Physical Health and mental Wellbeing:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy Eating
  • Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking
  • Health and Prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing Adolescent Body

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

  • Families
  • Respectful Relationships including Friendships
  • Online and Media
  • Being safe
  • Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health

To assist us, the Ten Ten Resources programme, Life to the Full, teaches Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church. We also teach pupils about different views on these topics to ensure we cater to all.

At Our Lady and St Bede Catholic Academy, we go beyond the requirements, delivering lessons on finance, psychology, motivation, time management, water safety and many other topics that we feel are important to our pupils’ education.

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Key Stage 3 Curriculum

The aim of HD RSE within Key Stage 3 is to develop pupils understanding of the wider world that they live in through structured and well-planned lessons. Lessons are designed to encourage pupils to grow in confidence when sharing their own thoughts, feelings and ideas with their peers.​ In turn, fostering students’ ability to communicate effectively, sharing their own opinions whilst respecting the views of others. The curriculum also encourages students to question, analyse and challenge societal issues as we prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

The Key Stage 4 curriculum builds on many of the topics covered within Key Stage 3 curriculum, exploring them in greater detail and looking at more sensitive issues. The content covered is in line with the statutory requirements, aiming to develop students’ knowledge on many topics they would not learn about in other subjects so that they can lead safe, healthy and productive lives whereby they aspire to be the best version of themselves.

Whilst HD RSE is still taught in Key Stage 4, it is important to note that this is not an assessed subject and students will not receive a GSCE or equivalent qualification from this. Due to this, students will not be set a target grade or receive any reports referring to grades. Parents will still be able to speak to their child’s HD RSE teacher about their engagement and attitude to learning at parent evenings should they wish too.

Progression Routes and Future Careers

HD RSE provides pupils with a taster of many different career pathways that they would not typically experience in other subjects or schools. For example, we cover psychology and finance which would not usually be taken until further or higher education. Moreover, topics like First Aid and Diet and Nutrition may inspire pupils to find a career in the health sector. A number of topics also aid progression into GCSE PE and Biology.

Careers is key focus and has been embedded through the HD RSE curriculum from Y7 through to Y11. Each year group will spend one half term per year focussing on Careers. Each year group will focus on the following:

  • Y7 – Skills and Personal Qualities
  • Y8 – Competencies, Teamwork and Leadership
  • Y9 – Virtual Work Experience
  • Y10 – CV, Cover letters and Interview Prep
  • Y11 – Labour Market Information

As a school we have bought into the REED Education careers resources and the Unifrog platform to aid the delivery of our prosperous careers’ curriculum. If you have any further questions regarding careers then please contact our Careers Lead, Mr S. York.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RSE except in those elements which are required by the National Curriculum science orders. Should parents wish to withdraw their children they are asked to notify the school by contacting the headteacher. The school will provide support by providing material for parents to help the children with their learning.




Holistic Development (RSHE) Documents

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