Pupils have the opportunity to attend a retreat at the Diocesan Emmaus Village which is run by the Youth Ministry Team. Pupils and staff take part in a variety of activities including teamwork tasks, games, challenges, presentations, faith sharing and times of prayer, reflection and the celebration of Mass. Everyone loves taking part in the retreat programme.

Secondary School Festival Theme 2023: Bold & Brave

We are all called to step out of the boat, to climb the mountain, to take a leap of faith knowing that Jesus is always with us.

Tension, conflict and crisis have become ingrained in the landscape of daily life, and feelings of unrest and unease can make us feel insecure and underprepared for the anticipated challenges in store. Overwhelmed by the obstacles ahead, it can seem easier to remain in the safety of screen time and social media, admiring the filtered adventures of others rather than daring to consider where we might be called to go.

2000 years ago, Jesus called an ordinary fisherman to step out of the boat and do what seemed utterly impossible. 2000 years later, Jesus calls each one of us to boldly trust in His power and plan for our lives, despite our own fears and self-doubt. We are created with potential for greatness, if only we are brave enough to push the limits of the boundaries imposed by ourselves and our world.

In Pope Francis' message for the Flame Congress, March 2023, he encouraged young people to "dare to be different... testifying to the beauty of generosity, service, perseverance, forgiveness… the pursuit of justice and the common good, love for the poor, and social friendship.” This year's Summer Festival 2023 has encouraged our young people to be Bold & Brave, equipped with gifts of the Holy Spirit and empowered, knowing that they are loved unconditionally by God.

Fortitude: “the gift through which the Holy Spirit liberates the soil of our heart…frees it from sluggishness, from uncertainty and from all the fears that can hinder it, so that the Lord’s Word may be put into practice authentically and with joy.” Pope Francis

Year 11 Retreat

Year 11 pupils had the opportunity to spend two nights at the Youth Village, this included times of prayer and reflection and time spent in masterclasses on English, Maths, Science and RE. We also managed a trip to Starbucks for coffee and cake. A great time was had by everyone.


Walsingham Pilgrimage 2024

Pupils from Our Lady and St. Bede’s were invited to take part in this year’s Walsingham Pilgrimage with English Martyrs and St. Peter and Paul’s Parish.

This was an incredible spiritual journey for our Year 9 and 10 pupils.

They took part in carrying the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham along the Holy Mile, uniting students and parishioners in faith and devotion. They also visited the Anglican Church, home to the replica house where Mary received the Angel Gabriel's message and accepted her role as the mother of Jesus.

This pilgrimage left our students with lasting memories, they are so grateful for this enlightening and joyous experience. Please read below some of the quotes from our pupil’s.


I think this trip was very spiritual and a nice experience, helping us to understand our faith a bit more and having a heart touching experience.


Form me Walsingham was a spiritual journey, it consisted of not only prayer but a time of reflection and healing. During our time we helped the pilgrims to carry their trays and we made sure that everyone felt cared for.


For me, Walsingham was an emotional but enlightening experience. We had some emotional times of prayer and reflection which really opened my eyes to the belief of God.


As I was the only boy on the pilgrimage, I was privileged to have my own room, but our group was together during our time. It has opened my eyes to what a community really is. It strengthened our bond and our faith with the support of our friends.