Uniform is supplied by Seghals and by Rawcliffes. Uniform promotes a sense of identity, avoids divisiveness and helps to create and foster in every pupil a sense of personal pride and pride in the school. Uniform provides practical clothing for the many different tasks to be done during a busy day. It also prepares pupils for the realty of work, where a uniform of one sort or another is often expected. The uniform at Our Lady & St Bede is outstanding, we would like this excellent standard to continue and appreciate your support in ensuring that this is the case. The uniform is the strongest visual representation we have of all our standards.

To support families, school uniform can be purchased from the two suppliers listed below.  Certain items of uniform can also be purchased from high street stores.  Please refer to the uniform policy below for further information.

School Uniform Policy

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The school supports vulnerable families in meeting the costs of uniforms. Families who are struggling to purchase items of uniform, contact can be made with the school office for support.

The school holds second-hand school uniforms for parents to access. Parents are invited to donate their child’s uniform when they no longer need it.

Buy School Uniforms for Our Lady & St Bede Catholic Academy from Michael Sehgal


Letter to Parents from Rawcliffes

Acceptable length for skirts and pinafores

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Uniform - Option 1

  • A knee length navy and green tartan skirt.
  • Navy trousers - these must only be purchased from Seghals or Rawcliffes. Skinny and / or fashion trousers are not permitted.
  • Revere blouse, long or short sleeve.
  • A navy fitted girls’ blazer with the school badge.
  • There is an optional choice of wearing a cardigan or jumper with the school badge.
  • Plain black tights. Knee high socks are not permitted.
  • Plain black shoes – no boots, shoe-style boots, trainers or Velcro fastening shoes.

Uniform - Option 2

  • A knee length navy and green tartan dress.
  • Revere blouse, long or short sleeve.
  • A navy fitted girls’ blazer with the school badge.
  • There is an option to wear a navy cardigan with the school badge with this dress.
  • Plain black tights. Knee high socks are not permitted.
  • Plain black shoes – no boots, shoe style boots, trainers or Velcro fastening shoes.

Pupils can wear either option 1 or option 2, or alternate between these options.

Uniform - Option 3

  • Navy contemporary boys’ school blazer with the school badge.
  • Navy trousers - these must only be purchased from Seghals or Rawcliffes. Skinny and / or fashion trousers are not permitted.
  • Plain navy v-neck jumper with the school badge.
  • Plain white shirt with collar.
  • Plain dark socks – black/dark blue/grey.
  • School tie.
  • Plain black lace up or slip on shoes – no boots, shoe-style boots, trainers or velcro fastening shoes.

PE Uniform

The PE uniform is outlined below. This is compulsory uniform for all pupils.

PE Kit - Option 1

  • Navy and green polo top with school badge. 
  • Navy shorts/skort with school badge or navy leggings with school badge.
  • Navy sport socks. 
  • Navy ¾ zip fleece. 
  • Trainers, football boots and shin pads.

PE Kit - Option 2

  • Navy and green long sleeve shirt with school badge.
  • Navy and green polo top with school badge.
  • Navy shorts with school badge.
  • Navy sport socks.
  • Trainers, football boots and shin pads.

Make-up / Jewellery

Make up must be kept to a minimum and therefore worn discreetly.  Nail varnish, acrylic nail extensions and false eyelashes are not permitted.  Pupils may wear one stud earring in each ear lobe, but no other jewellery is to be worn.


Hair must be no shorter than a number 2 blade and there should be no patterns, lines or symbols shaved into the hair. No non-natural hair colours are allowed for any pupil.

Pupil uniform during hot weather

We adopt a common sense approach of maintaining our standard by adapting to the weather conditions. Pupils can first remove jumpers and cardigans. In class, at break and lunch blazers can be removed. If it gets very hot we can look at doing other things such as removing ties and undoing top buttons. Pupils are expected to wear their blazer to and from lessons. As ever there may be exceptional pastoral cases which we will let staff know about in advance with regards to individual pupils. As form and class teachers it is important that in these circumstances we keep a tight handle on the remaining uniform and the standard in which it is worn. Staff are asked to take a few moments at the end of each lesson to ensure our high expectations are maintained in this area, ensuring shirts are tucked in and ties are on at these times of the year.


Uniformd Shop Link