“Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you. Do not be afraid to dream of great things.” - Pope Francis
We are committed to providing a wide variety of extra-curricular and wider opportunities for our pupils.
We have a broad and exciting enrichment programme where pupils will have the opportunity to experience an extensive range of enrichment activities.
These mainly fall into 3 categories; sport, performance and the wider world (faith, community, careers and leadership).
Our mission is that we believe we can work together to provide the very best Catholic education, helping to fully form each other to become the person God is calling us to be.
We will strive to do this by creating many opportunities for everyone to become fully alive through developing our God-given gifts and talents both inside and outside of the classroom.
Through doing this we believe we will all have the chance to continue to grow in a fuller understanding of God, ourselves and His love for us all both now and for eternity.
Year 11 have an extensive academic enrichment programme, with revision sessions being provided for all Y11 pupils at lunch time or afterschool.