Introduction to our school Liturgies

A liturgy is a prayer in the form of collective worship. We offer a variety of liturgies depending on the time in the liturgical year; for example, reconciliation services and liturgies during Advent and Lent.

These times provides the pupils and staff with an opportunity to pray and reflect in the presence of Christ. Liturgies and assemblies are an excellent opportunity to come together as a school community, along with the exploration of different topics like praying for those in need, and learning about topical events that we are urged to pray about and for.

Each half term, our assemblies and liturgies focus on a different pairing of the school Virtues, for example “Compassionate and Respect”. This ensures all liturgies are following our schools Catholic Ethos and they include the scripture readings of the liturgical calendar.

Below you will see samples of our school liturgies

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Friday Liturgy

Every Friday morning, we have a whole school liturgy. This is prepared by individual form groups and their form teachers. Pupils create a welcome, reflection on the scripture and write their own Bidding Prayers. This is then uploaded onto Teams and sent to all staff every Friday morning, so that the whole school can access it on a Friday Form time. Our Friday morning liturgies are very important as this a special time when the whole school is praying together at the same time.

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Advent Liturgies 2024

This year our Advent liturgies explored the traditional Nativity but with a modern twist, reflecting on more contemporary figures and stories. We raised over £400 which will be going to the Significance Charity - an organisation set up by the late Fr. Dermott Donnelly who work with young people in the North East on a number of projects.


Every year as a school community we remembered those who have fallen in all conflicts. Each year group take part in a special liturgy to honour those men and women who have given their lives to their country. At 11am we come together on the yard to pay our respects with 2 minutes silence. During the liturgy pupils listen to music, are led in prayer and are given the opportunity to reflect.

Lent Liturgies 2024

Together we have journeyed through reflection on the Easter mystery, growing in faith and anticipation. Our theme for this year has been “Out of suffering comes hope”. Just as the season of Lent leads us through the darkness of Jesus’ journey, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday to the light of Easter Sunday, so too does our own journey through suffering lead us to hope. It is in our darkest moments that we often discover the strength within ourselves and connect with our own resilience. As we reflect on the theme of suffering and hope, let us find comfort in knowing that our struggles have the power to shape us, to refine us, and to ultimately lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Let us emerge from Lent with hearts full of hope, ready to embrace the new life that awaits us.

Holocaust Memorial 2024

Fragility of Freedom is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2024.

Freedom means different things to different people. What is clear is that in every genocide that has taken place, those who are targeted for persecution have had their freedom restricted and removed, before many of them are murdered. This is often a subtle, slow process. There is always a set of circumstances which occur, or which are created, to build the climate in which genocide can take place and in which perpetrator regimes can remove the freedoms of those they are targeting.

This liturgy has been created and led by our SVP group. We wanted to share it so that we can continue to always remember those who lost their lives during the Holocaust and ensure that such atrocities never happen again.

Holocaust Memorial 2024 Presentation

Holocaust Memorial 2023

We came together as a school community to commemorate this important day. We began with a liturgy, a time of prayer and reflection. This was followed by our exhibition where every department was represented. Our departments were tasked with reflecting on the theme of Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 "ordinary people" and creating a exhibition piece which linked the theme to their subject area. However, it is important to note that this monumental achievement was not just the work of our amazing staff, but was driven by our pupils who have given up break times, lunch times and afterschool to create the fantastic pieces of art which were on show.

The theme of Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 was 'ordinary people', we reflect on how we are all ordinary people who can be extraordinary in our actions. We can all make decisions to challenge prejudice, stand up to hatred, to speak out against identity-based persecution, to shop responsibly

This evening was opportunity for us to remember the millions of people who were murdered at the hands of the Nazis and during other horrendous acts of genocide but also serve as a reminder to us all of the role we can play in ensuring we never see the likes again.

Year 11 Leavers Celebration Liturgy

We are so proud to have been able to celebrate the achievements of our Year 11 pupils, both academically and holistically.

As Year 11 leave school and embark on the next phase of their journey, we want to take a moment to wish them the best in your future endeavours. You have been an amazing group of pupils, and we are proud of all that you have accomplished.

Remember that this is just the beginning, and there are endless possibilities waiting for you. Believe in yourself, work hard and never give up on your dreams. Pursue what you are passionate about, and don't be afraid to take risks. You have the power to make a difference in the world.

We know that you will do great things, and we can't wait to see all that you will achieve. Thank you for being a part of our school community, and we wish you a bright and successful future.

Diocesan Refugee Service

Pupils were invited to take part in a heartfelt service in solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral in Newcastle. The evening, led by Bishop Stephen and the team at the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, featured powerful storytelling, moving poetry, and a captivating drama and music piece from our Advent Liturgy performed by our pupils. This was an incredibly moving and powerful experience for everyone involved.